Thursday, June 29, 2023

5 Types of San Diego bail bonds!


If you or your loved one requires posting bail, you must know that there are some kinds of bail available. The kind of bail bond suitable for you will be determined based on the charges and the financial situation of the accused. The judge at the bail hearing will determine the kind of bond suitable for the case. There are five major kinds of San Diego bail bonds. In each of these, the accused has to show up in the court appearances. If the accused skips or jump bail, there can be legal consequences.

The following are the different types of San Diego bail bonds:

Cash bail bonds

This type of bail requires the full amount of bail to be paid in cash. If the defendant appears in court as required, the money is returned, minus any fees or fines.

Surety bail bonds

A surety bond involves a bail bondsman or a bail bond agency. The bondsman pays the full amount of bail on behalf of the defendant in exchange for a non-refundable fee (usually a percentage of the total bail amount). The bondsman is then responsible for ensuring the defendant appears in court.

Property bail bonds

In a property bond, the defendant or their family or friends can use real estate or other valuable property as collateral to secure the bail. If the defendant fails to appear in court, the property may be taken away by the court.

Own recognizance (OR) release

This type of release does not require the payment of bail. Instead, the defendant is released based on their promise to appear in court for all required hearings. OR release is typically granted to individuals with minimal flight risk and no significant criminal history.

Citation release (Cite Out)

For minor offenses, law enforcement officers may issue a citation, and the defendant is released without being taken into custody. The defendant is required to appear in court on a specified date.

It's important to note that the availability of these types of San Diego bail bonds may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the case. Consulting with a local bail bondsman would provide you with accurate information about the bail options available in San Diego.

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