Monday, July 20, 2020

Your guide to posting San Diego Bail Bonds

The steps of posting San Diego Bail Bonds might seem to be complicated because they use a complex language that only attorneys can understand. So, here are a few steps to follow while posting bail:

1.     Setting Bail: The initial step is to get your bail set, or in other words, have a judge decide how much your bail is going to be. If you don’t have any criminal record and if your crime is not a major one, then the judge might set you free “on your own recognizance” also known as “zero-dollar bail”.

2.     Finding a bail bondsman: Assuming the bail amount set is bigger, which you can’t pay upfront, your next step is to find a top-rated bail bonds agency. Because the bail bonds agency will assist you with the paperwork that can get your bail posted and you are out of jail.

3.     Cash and collateral: Many of the bail bonds agencies need a 10-15% premium, as well as security to guarantee that the company won’t get “stuck with the bill” if you don’t show up. You can expect to pay the percentage of amount upfront and then work with your bail bondsman to decide the acceptable security that you will sign over such as jewelry, car, or property. Several bail bonds agencies offer the bonds with a lower premium and they don’t even demand collateral if the amount is no that big. You need to research before hiring any bail bonds agency and should work with the one that offers a better deal.

4.     Posting bail: Once the payment and security are in order, the bail bonds company will take care of the paperwork and post it with the court, thereby assuring you a release from jail and allowing you to walk out the door.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mistakes to be avoided while posting La Jolla Bail Bonds

Being busted is an intimidating and confusing process. The justice system is designed to terrify the criminal into implicating themselves and confessing, and this frightening environment can have irritating effects on anyone – innocent and otherwise. Here a few mistakes which you should avoid while posting La Jolla Bail Bonds:

·       Lying, Providing Wrong Information, or Omitting Crucial Information: The approval procedure of a bail bond needs to provide personal information that comprises of 1) Full name 2) Income information 3) Address and 4) Address of the place of your work. If this or any other information is invalid then the chances of your bail bond getting rejected will improvise, or you can be handed over a penalty of whether or not you comply with the agreement. Further, counterfeiting can result in a criminal charge which is the last thing you want.

·       Using an un-qualified co-signer: If you are faced with a larger bail amount, and you don’t have sufficient amount to cover the full amount, your bail bonds agent might need a co-signer. A co-signer will be confined financially responsible if you fail to endorse the bail agreement, so they need to: 1) Fairly have the collateral needed to cover the full bail amount, and 2) Understand the possibilities if your bond is penalized. If it turns out that your co-signer isn’t eligible, it can slow down the process while another co-signer is located – leaving you in jail longer than required.

·       Waiting to contact a bail bondsman: As you know that arrests can happen at any time, that means they can happen even in the late night, you might think you need to wait until the next day to begin the bail bonds procedure, but that’s not true. Bail bonds agency that provides 24/7 service can reach out to you anytime. While some paperwork can be finished the next morning, but you should immediately contact the bail bonds agent when busted, to get an early release from jail.